Android > XAMARIN >> Build Xamarin Apps Views : 4714
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Build and deploy Sample Android App using XAMARIN

Mobile Application Tools in VS:

  •          Native apps with .NET (XAMARIN)
  •          Hybrid apps with JavaScript (CORDOVA)
  •       Native apps with C++

XAMARIN overview:

XAMARIN is a tool which is used to write native Android, iOS, and Windows apps with native user interfaces and share code across multiple platforms, including Windows and macOS with C# codebase.

Create Sample Android Application:

We will see how to create simple android application using XAMARIN here with simple steps,

  • Create New Project and choose Android à Blank App (Android)




  • Expand the Resources folder and then the layout folder in the Solution Explorer. Double-click Main.axml to open it in the Android Designer and place UI fields.



  • In the Add New Item dialog, select Visual C# Code and name the new code file ConcateText.cs


  • Enter your business logic in the added class.



  • Select Project and Choose Properties by Right click then update application name and package name.


  • After updated project properties, build project in release mode.



  • Choose Archive option by Right clicking project file.



  • Click Distribute button to start deploying application


  • Click on Ad Hoc button to start generating apk file for mobile.


  • Add a keystore to start signing, keep remember password for further use.



  • Click on Save As to save the apk file in local path by entering password.


  • Now you can be able to move the apk file to mobile and install generated application.

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Karthik G
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