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Introduction to .Net Framework

The Microsoft .NET Framework is a platform for building, deploying, and running Web Services and applications. It consist of components such as common language runtime (CLR) and the .NET Framework class library, which includes classes, interfaces, and value types that support wide range of technologies.

Also .NET Framework provides an execution environment, simplified development and deployment, and integration with a variety of programming languages, including Visual Basic and Visual C#.

The .NET Framework consists of three main parts:

1.    Common Language Runtime,

2.    Unified class libraries

3.    Active Server Pages called ASP.NET.

     Find the below different versions .Net Framework Stack,DotNet.png

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Jayanthan JVP
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DotNet Developer
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It's very helpful. Thanks!
AMIT Kumar
Dipp knowledge of. Net
suitable method
Clearly and simply explained.
nice have a look at this
easy understanding
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