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Bubble Sort

       public void BubbleSort(int[] intArray)


            Console.WriteLine("==========UnSorted Array Input===============");

            for (int i = 0; i < intArray.Length; i++)





            for (int i = intArray.Length - 1; i > 0; i--)


                for (int j = 0; j <= i - 1; j++)


                    if (intArray[j] > intArray[j + 1])


                        int highValue = intArray[j];


                        intArray[j] = intArray[j + 1];

                        intArray[j + 1] = highValue;





            Console.WriteLine("==========Sorted Array Using BubbleSort===============");

            for (int i = 0; i < intArray.Length; i++)





Bubble Sort Output:

Bubble sort algorithm example.GIF

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Raj Kumar
Total Posts 55
Developer in .Net!
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sir ....ineed a c# program of mean, mode median can u upload code
Nice article! Thanks for the tutorial! Here I found some more sorting methods
Hi - very good example - but.. would you be able to show me how you would make a bubblesort on this one in C#: "bubblesort cities after size of population? So that it sorts on population? I guess you should use a KeyValuePair with a string and an int? An example on the result should be: Indiana 477 Tennessee 6898 Ohio 15545 Thanks in advance :)
i want simple example for Bubble Sort in .net
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