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Image Upload using Phone gap and REST API

Code snippet mentioned in this article will explain about how to upload documents (images/videos) into server through REST services in Android APP (developed using Phone gap).


1.       Add “cordova-plugin-filepath” into your project to resolve the image path.


1.       Select Image either using Camera/from Gallery.

2.       Selected image will be displayed in the UI.

3.       Post” Button to send selected/captured image to server.


                <div class="row">



                <button id="btnSelectImage" onclick="selectImageFromGallery();">Select Image From Disk</button>






                <button id="btnSelectImageFromCamera" onclick="selectImageFromCamera();">Capture image</button>




                <button id="btnClear" onclick="clearData();">Clear</button>



            <button id="btnPostPhoto" onclick="uploadPhoto();">Post</button>


            <img style="display: none; width: 100px; height: 100px;" id="smallImage" src="" />

            <span id="imagename"></span>


            <progress min="0" max="100" value="0">0% complete</progress>


            <span id="spResult" style="color:darkblue"></span>




function selectImageFromCamera() {

    var popover = new CameraPopoverOptions(300, 300, 100, 100, Camera.PopoverArrowDirection.ARROW_ANY);

    var options = { quality: 49, destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI, sourceType: Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA, popoverOptions: popover };, this.onFail, options);



function selectImageFromGallery() {

    var popover = new CameraPopoverOptions(300, 300, 100, 100, Camera.PopoverArrowDirection.ARROW_ANY);

    var options = { quality: 49, destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI, sourceType:, popoverOptions: popover };, this.onFail, options);



function selctedFile(imageURI) {

    if (imageURI.indexOf("content") >= 0) {

        window.FilePath.resolveNativePath(imageURI, function (result) {

            imageURI = result;


            documentPath = imageURI;

            var image = document.getElementById("smallImage");

   = "block";

            image.src = imageURI;


        }, function (error) {

            alert("File Conversion Error");



    else {


        documentPath = imageURI;


        var image = document.getElementById("smallImage"); = "block";

        image.src = imageURI;




function clearData() {

    var image = document.getElementById("smallImage"); = "none";

    image.src = null;


    documentPath = null;



function uploadPhoto() {


    if (documentPath == null) {

        $("#spResult").text("Document not exists!!");



    var postUrl = "";


    var fileUploadOptions = new FileUploadOptions();

    fileUploadOptions.fileKey = "CurrentFile";

    fileUploadOptions.fileName = documentPath.substr(documentPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

    fileUploadOptions.mimeType = "image/png";

    fileUploadOptions.chunkedMode = true;


    // Additional Info to Server using JSON Object. This is Optional.

    var myObj = { "Param1": "FileUploder", "CurrentMode": 0, "Data": "", "TokenForUpload": “0000000” };

    var jsonData = JSON.stringify(myObj);


    fileUploadOptions.params = new Object();

    fileUploadOptions.params.CurrentData = jsonData;


    var fileTransfer = new FileTransfer();


    var progressBar = document.querySelector('progress');

    fileTransfer.onprogress = function (result) {

        var percent = (result.loaded / * 100;

        percent = Math.round(percent);

        progressBar.value = percent;

        progressBar.textContent = progressBar.value;



    progressBar.value = 0;

    progressBar.textContent = progressBar.value;



    fileTransfer.upload(documentPath, postUrl, uploadPhotoWin, uploadPhotoFail, fileUploadOptions);



function uploadPhotoWin(r) {

    $("#spResult").text("Sent = " + r.bytesSent + "\n Response = " + r.response + "\n Code = " + r.responseCode + "\n");






function uploadPhotoFail(error) {

    switch (error.code) {

        case FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR:

            $("#spResult").text("Photo file not found");



        case FileTransferError.INVALID_URL_ERR:

            $("#spResult").text("Bad Photo URL");



        case FileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR:

            $("#spResult").text("Connection error");




    $("#spResult").text("An error has occurred: Code = " + error.code);





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Raj Kumar
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