key file is important to sign an APK file. This article explains how to generate
key file to sign the APK file with simple steps. 1.
“GIT CMD” Prompt 2.
to “C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin” and make sure “keytool.exe” is present 3.
a folder where the key file need to get generated. E.g. D:\temp\ 4.
the below script by changing the appropriate folder and Key file name keytool
-genkey -v -keystore D:\temp\myapp-release-key.keystore -alias myappname
-sigalg SHA1withRSA -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
Below details needs to be filled to generate Key
file. Note: Password which is given to build key file is necessary to be given
during signing process. 
providing all details, key file will get generated in the given path. Read this article to know how to sign the APK file. |