Microsoft > WCF >> Intro To WCF Views : 8102
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Introduction To WCF


WCF provides service Oriented architecture (SOA) for passing messages between applications, across a local network and over the internet.

WCF Service:

WCF service is a program that exposes collection of endpoints. Each endpoint is a portal for communicating to and fro from another network. All communications taken place through the endpoint. End point consists of three components (i.e. Address, Binding & Contract).

Additional Information On WCF:

Windows communication foundation is designed to offer a manageable approach  to provide

    • distributed computing,
    • broad interoperability, and
    • direct support for service orientation

WCF simplifies development of connected applications through a new service-oriented programming model.

The typed programming model (called the service model) is designed to ease the development of distributed applications and to provide developers with expertise in ASP.NET Web

The Microsoft Platform for SOA for building distributed and interoperable applications

It Unifies

    • ASMX,.NET Remoting and Enterprise Services Stack
    • A Single programming model for all
    • Configuration drives protocol choices, messaging formats ,process allocation, etc.

Service Oriented

    • Built for service oriented system design
    • Simplifies how you approach SOA
    • Introducing a API between  Functionalities and Service is called CONTRACTS

Loosely Coupled

    • Not bound to any protocol in encoding format or hosting environment
    • It can accessed from using any of the protocol like TCP,HTTP etc
    • Everything is configurable
    • Note-Loosely Coupled and everything is configurable as part of the Deployment and NOT as part of the Development


    • Supports core web services standards
    • Ratified and not –yet ratified
    • Extensible to quickly adapt to new protocols and updates


    • Integrates with earlier Microsoft stacks like COM, Enterprise services, MSMQ


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